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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Alcohol consumption and illicit drug use among young music festival attendees in Australia.

Douglass CH, Raggatt MR, Wright CJC, Reddan H, O’Connell H, Lim MSC, Dietze PM

Alcohol and Other Drugs
The prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in fatal road crashes in Victoria, Australia.

Schumann J, Perkins M, Dietze P, Nambiar D, Mitra B, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH, Cameron P, Smith K, Beck B

Liposome engraftment and antigen combination potentiate the immune response towards conserved epitopes of the malaria vaccine candidate MSP2.

Das SC, Price JD, Gosling K, MacLennan N, Ataíde R, Seow J, Irani V, Atmosukarto II, Anders RF, Richards JS, MacRaild CA, Norton RS

The Importance of Immediate Linkage to Health and Social Support Services for Deported Migrants.

Pantano B, Higgs P, Horyniak D

Impact of point-of-care testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis on genital tract inflammatory cytokines in a cohort of young South African women.

Garrett N, Mtshali A, Osman F, Masson L, McKinnon LR, Singh R, Mitchev N, Ngobese H, Kharsany ABM, Abdool Karim S, Mlisana K, Passmore JA, Rompalo A, Mindel A, Liebenberg L

'Direct' and 'instant': the role of digital technology and social media in young Filipinos' intimate relationships.

Habito CM, Morgan A, Vaughan C