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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): A Comment.

Korman TM, McMahon JH

A multicenter, community-based, mixed methods assessment of the acceptability of a triple drug regimen for elimination of lymphatic filariasis.

Krentel A, Basker N, Beau de Rochars M, Bogus J, Dilliott D, Direny AN, Dubray C, Fischer PU, Ga AL, Goss CW, Hardy M, Howard C, Jambulingam P, King CL, Laman M, Lemoine JF, Mallya S, Robinson LJ, Samuela J, Schechtman KB, Steer AC, Supali T, Tavul L, Weil GJ

Hepatitis C treatment in a co-located mental health and alcohol and drug service using a nurse-led model of care.

Harney BL, Brereton R, Whitton B, Pietrzak D, Paige E, Roberts SK, Birks S, Saraf S, Hellard ME, Doyle JS

Indirect Impacts of COVID-19: A Case Study of Evidence, Advice and Representation From Consumer and Community Members in New South Wales Australia.

Dimopoulos-Bick T, Walsh L, Sutherland K

Framework for Characterizing Longitudinal Antibody Response in Children After <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> Infection.

Rogier E, Nace D, Dimbu PR, Wakeman B, Pohl J, Beeson JG, Drakeley C, Tetteh K, Plucinski M

Multicentre stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial of an antimicrobial stewardship programme in residential aged care: protocol for the START trial.

Jokanovic N, Haines T, Cheng AC, Holt KE, Hilmer SN, Jeon YH, Stewardson AJ, Stuart RL, Spelman T, Peel TN, Peleg AY, START Trial Group