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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Young people's needs and preferences for health resources focused on pornography and sharing of sexually explicit imagery.

Wright CJC, Davis A, Vella AM, McGrath-Lester R, Lim MSC

Young People's Health
Lessons from COVID-19-free Vanuatu: intensive health operations for Phase 1 of repatriation and quarantine, May-July 2020.

Tapo PS, Knox TB, van Gemert-Doyle C, Manwo O, Iavro E, Williams W, Maurice R, Harrison G, Cornish M, Benjamin M, Atua V, Obed J, Clark G, Guyant P, Leodoro B, Tarivonda L

HERV-K Gag RNA and Protein Levels Are Elevated in Malignant Regions of the Prostate in Males with Prostate Cancer.

Rezaei SD, Hayward JA, Norden S, Pedersen J, Mills J, Hearps AC, Tachedjian G

Immune Disease + Cancer
'No-Frills Prils': GPs' views on drug costs and therapeutic interchange of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a qualitative study.

Lim H, Sanci L, Webster S, Wilson AN, Lau P

Border screening is an essential component of COVID-19 testing strategies in Vanuatu.

van Gemert C, Tapo PS, Sero K, Vanuatu Ministry of Health–Health Technical Advisory Group

Development and Validation of an In Silico Decision Tool To Guide Optimization of Intravenous Artesunate Dosing Regimens for Severe Falciparum Malaria Patients

Zaloumis SG, Whyte JM, Tarning J, Krishna S, McCaw JM, Cao P, White MT, Dini S, Fowkes FJI, Maude RJ, Kremsner P, Dondorp A, Price RN, White NJ, Simpson JA
