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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Concordance between self-reported and current hepatitis C virus infection status in a sample of people who inject drugs in Sydney and Canberra, Australia.

Gibbs D, Grebely J, Sutherland R, Larney S, Butler K, Dietze PM, Starr M, Peacock A

Public health physicians: who are they and why we need more of them - especially in Victoria.

Wilson AN, Moodie R, Grills N

The development of the WHO Labour Care Guide: an international survey of maternity care providers.

Pingray V, Bonet M, Berrueta M, Mazzoni A, Belizán M, Keil N, Vogel J, Althabe F, Oladapo OT

The Global Task Force for Chronic Pain in People with HIV (PWH): Developing a research agenda in an emerging field.

Merlin JS, Hamm M, de Abril Cameron F, Baker V, Brown DA, Cherry CL, Edelman EJ, Evangeli M, Harding R, Josh J, Kemp HI, Lichius C, Madden VJ, Nkhoma K, O'Brien KK, Parker R, Rice A, Robinson-Papp J, Sabin CA, Slawek D, Scott W, Tsui JI, Uebelacker LA, Wadley AL, Goodin BR

Becoming a mother in the 'new' social world in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sweet L, Bradfield Z, Vasilevski V, Wynter K, Hauck Y, Kuliukas L, Homer CSE, Szabo RA, Wilson AN

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Estimating the number of new hepatitis C infections in Australia in 2015, prior to the scale-up of direct-acting antiviral treatment.

Palmer AY, Wilkinson A, Aitken C, Dietze P, Dore GJ, Maher L, Sacks-Davis R, Stoove M, Wilson D, Hellard M, Scott N