Sustained, Low Prevalence of Undiagnosed HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Sydney, Australia Coincident With Increased Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use: Results From Repeated, Bio-Behavioral Studies 2014-2018.
Keen P, Lee E, Grulich AE, Prestage G, Guy R, Stoové MA, Bavinton BR, Asselin J, Hammoud MA, Broady T, Duck T, Holt M, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project
Experiences of receiving and providing maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: A five-cohort cross-sectional comparison.
Bradfield Z, Wynter K, Hauck Y, Vasilevski V, Kuliukas L, Wilson AN, Szabo RA, Homer CSE, Sweet L
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthIntegrating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and harm reduction among men who have sex with men and transgender women to address intersecting harms associated with stimulant use: a modelling study.
Bórquez A, Rich K, Farrell M, Degenhardt L, McKetin R, Tran LT, Cepeda J, Silva-Santisteban A, Konda K, Cáceres CF, Kelly S, Altice FL, Martin NK