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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Brief Report: Demographic and Genetic Associations With Markers of Small and Large Fiber Sensory Neuropathy in HIV Patients Treated Without Stavudine.

Safri AY, Gaff J, Octaviana F, Setiawan DD, Imran D, Cherry CL, Laws SM, Price P

The Impact of Markers of HIV Infection on Change in Liver Stiffness in People With HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection After Treatment and Cure of Hepatitis C.

van Santen DK, Agius PA, Sasadeusz J, Fairley CK, Sievert W, Gane E, Iser D, O'Reilly M, Medland NA, Moore R, Hellard ME, Hoy JF, Doyle JS, Co-EC Study Group

Mental health of adolescents in Myanmar: A systematic review of prevalence, determinants and interventions.

Carroll D, Wulan N, Swe ZY, Myint AA, Sanda S, Lwin AM, Oo T, Khaing LL, San CC, Tun WPP, Cini K, Win PM, Azzopardi P

Diet quality trajectories and cardiovascular phenotypes/metabolic syndrome risk by 11-12 years.

Kerr JA, Liu RS, Gasser CE, Mensah FK, Burgner D, Lycett K, Gillespie AN, Juonala M, Clifford SA, Olds T, Saffery R, Gold L, Liu M, Azzopardi P, Edwards B, Dwyer T, Wake M

Addressing alcohol and other drug use among young people from migrant and ethnic minority backgrounds: Perspectives of service providers in Melbourne, Australia.

Douglass CH, Block K, Horyniak D, Hellard ME, Lim MSC

While Woolworths reaps the rewards, the Northern Territory community will be left to clean up the mess.

Wright CJC, Clifford S, Miller M, D'Abbs P, Giorgi C, Crane M, Smith JA