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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Can preclinical drug development help to predict adverse events in clinical trials?

Chi LH, Burrows AD, Anderson RL

A modelling analysis of financial incentives for hepatitis C testing and treatment uptake delivered through a community-based testing campaign.

Palmer AY, Chan K, Gold J, Layton C, Elsum I, Hellard M, Stoove M, Doyle JS, Pedrana A, Scott N, on the EC Partnership

The Prison and Transition Health (PATH) cohort study: Prevalence of health, social, and crime characteristics after release from prison for men reporting a history of injecting drug use in Victoria, Australia.

Stewart AC, Cossar RD, Wilkinson AL, Quinn B, Dietze P, Walker S, Butler T, Curtis M, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Winter R, Ogloff J, Kinner S, Stoové M

Early antimicrobial stewardship team intervention on appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy in suspected sepsis: a randomized controlled trial.

Rashidzada Z, Cairns KA, Peel TN, Jenney AW, Doyle JS, Dooley MJ, Cheng AC

The risks and benefits of using social media to engage consumers in service design and quality improvement in Australian public hospitals: findings from an interview study of key stakeholders.

Walsh L, Hyett N, Howley J, Juniper N, Li C, MacLeod-Smith B, Rodier S, Hill SJ

Recent clinical trials inform the future for malaria vaccines.

Kurtovic L, Reiling L, Opi DH, Beeson JG