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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Estimation of benzathine penicillin G demand for congenital syphilis elimination with adoption of dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic tests in eleven high burden countries.

Shah S, Garg S, Heath K, Ofili O, Bansal Y, Seghers F, Storey A, Taylor M

Effects of Question Type and Order When Measuring Peak Consumption of Risky Drinking Events.

Yeung JT, Livingston M, Callinan S, Wright C, Kuntsche E, Room R, Dietze P

Advocating for midwives in low-to-middle income countries in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adnani QES, O'Connell MA, Homer CSE

Investigating differences in village-level heterogeneity of malaria infection and household risk factors in Papua New Guinea.

Gul D, Rodríguez-Rodríguez D, Nate E, Auwan A, Salib M, Lorry L, Keven JB, Katusele M, Rosado J, Hofmann N, Ome-Kaius M, Koepfli C, Felger I, Kazura JW, Hetzel MW, Mueller I, Karl S, Clements ACA, Fowkes FJI, Laman M, Robinson LJ

Modelling the cost of place of birth: a pathway analysis.

Scarf VL, Yu S, Viney R, Cheah SL, Dahlen H, Sibbritt D, Thornton C, Tracy S, Homer C

Evaluation of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a Community-delivered Integrated Malaria Elimination (CIME) model in Myanmar: protocol for an open stepped-wedge cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Oo WH, Thi A, Htike W, Agius PA, Cutts JC, Win KM, Yi Linn NY, Than WP, Hkawng GN, Thu KM, Oo MC, O'Flaherty K, Kearney E, Scott N, Phyu PP, Htet AT, Myint O, Lwin Yee L, Thant ZP, Mon A, Htike S, Hnin TP, Fowkes FJI