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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

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Stakeholder Involvement in Systematic Reviews: Lessons From Cochrane's Public Health and Health Systems Network.

Merner B, Lowe D, Walsh L, Synnot A, Stratil J, Lewin S, Glenton C, von Philipsborn P, Schonfeld L, Ryan R, O'Connor D, Hoving JL, Hill S

Effects of consumers and health providers working in partnership on health services planning, delivery and evaluation.

Lowe D, Ryan R, Schonfeld L, Merner B, Walsh L, Graham-Wisener L, Hill S

Childbearing women's experiences of the maternity care system in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sweet L, Wilson AN, Bradfield Z, Hauck Y, Kuliukas L, Homer CSE, Szabo RA, Wynter K, Vasilevski V

Strategies to maximise study retention and limit attrition bias in a prospective cohort study of men reporting a history of injecting drug use released from prison: the prison and transition health study.

Stewart AC, Cossar R, Walker S, Wilkinson AL, Quinn B, Dietze P, Winter R, Kirwan A, Curtis M, Ogloff JRP, Kinner S, Aitken C, Butler T, Woods E, Stoové M

Quantifying the Evolving Contribution of HIV Interventions and Key Populations to the HIV Epidemic in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Silhol R, Baral S, Bowring AL, Mukandavire C, Njindam IM, Rao A, Schwartz S, Tamoufe U, Billong SC, Njoya O, Zoung-Kanyi Bissek AC, Calleja JMG, Vickerman P, Mishra S, Boily MC

Development of a Novel <i>In Vitro</i> Primary Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophage Model To Study Reactivation of HIV-1 Transcription.

Wong ME, Johnson CJ, Hearps AC, Jaworowski A