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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Population-level genome-wide STR discovery and validation for population structure and genetic diversity assessment of Plasmodium species.

Han J, Munro JE, Kocoski A, Barry AE, Bahlo M

Infection prevention and care bundles addressing health care-associated infections in neonatal care in low-middle income countries: a scoping review.

Molina García A, Cross JH, Fitchett EJA, Kawaza K, Okomo U, Spotswood NE, Chiume M, Ezeaka VC, Irimu G, Salim N, Molyneux EM, Lawn JE, with the NEST360 Infection Prevention, Detection and Care Collaborative Group

"It's a revolving door": Ego-depletion among prisoners with injecting drug use histories as a barrier to post-release success.

Schroeder SE, Drysdale K, Lafferty L, Baldry E, Marshall AD, Higgs P, Dietze P, Stoove M, Treloar C

A Web-Based Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Program (Strong & Deadly Futures) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander School Students: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.

Stapinski L, Routledge K, Snijder M, Doyle M, Champion K, Chapman C, Ward J, Baumgart A, Lee KSK, Teesson M, Newton N

The Australian living guidelines for the clinical care of people with COVID-19: What worked, what didn't and why, a mixed methods process evaluation.

Turner T, Elliott J, Tendal B, Vogel JP, Norris S, Tate R, Green S, National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Virus-Like Particles Containing the E2 Core Domain of Hepatitis C Virus Generate Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies in Guinea Pigs.

McGregor J, Hardy JM, Lay CS, Boo I, Piontek M, Suckow M, Coulibaly F, Poumbourios P, Center RJ, Drummer HE