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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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WHO method for estimating congenital syphilis to inform surveillance and service provision, Paraguay.

Heath K, Alonso M, Aguilar G, Samudio T, Korenromp E, Rowley J, Suleiman A, Shwe YY, Htin KCW, Ishikawa N, Owiredu MN, Taylor M

Predicting, Diagnosing, and Treating Acute and Early HIV Infection in a Public Sector Facility in Eswatini.

Kerschberger B, Aung A, Mpala Q, Ntshalintshali N, Mamba C, Schomaker M, Tombo ML, Maphalala G, Sibandze D, Dube L, Kashangura R, Mthethwa-Hleza S, Telnov A, Tour R, Gonzalez A, Calmy A, Ciglenecki I

First Nations Australians' self-determination in health and alcohol policy development: a Delphi study.

E Stearne A, Lee KSK, Allsop S, Shakeshaft A, Wright M

The role of naturally acquired antimalarial antibodies in subclinical Plasmodium spp. infection.

O'Flaherty K, Roe M, Fowkes FJI

Private provider incentives in health care: The case of caesarean births.

Yu S, Fiebig DG, Viney R, Scarf V, Homer C

Young Adults' Use of Different Social Media Platforms for Health Information: Insights From Web-Based Conversations.

Lim MSC, Molenaar A, Brennan L, Reid M, McCaffrey T