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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Social Influences on Engagement With HIV Testing, Treatment and Care Services Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Living in Rural Uganda.

Nakiganda LJ, Bavinton BR, Grulich AE, Serwadda D, Nakubulwa R, Poynten IM, Bell S

HIV + AIDS Social Influences on Engagement With HIV Testing, Treatment and Care Services Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Living in Rural Uganda.
Impact of vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 dynamics in Switzerland.

Shattock AJ, Le Rutte EA, Dünner RP, Sen S, Kelly SL, Chitnis N, Penny MA

COVID-19 Impact of vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 dynamics in Switzerland.
Initiation of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Shortly Before Release From Prison to Promote Treatment Retention: Strong Evidence but Compromised Policy.

Curtis M, Larney S, Higgs P, Cossar RD, Winter RJ, Stewart AC, Stoové M

Initiation of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Shortly Before Release From Prison to Promote Treatment Retention: Strong Evidence but Compromised Policy.
Pacific island nations face an urgent need for actions and future research on COVID-19.

Gay N, van Gemert C, Merilles OE, Georgel P

COVID-19 Pacific island nations face an urgent need for actions and future research on COVID-19.
Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and central Asia: a modelling analysis.

Ward Z, Stone J, Bishop C, Ivakin V, Eritsyan K, Deryabina A, Low A, Cepeda J, Kelly SL, Heimer R, Cook R, Altice FL, Litz T, Terlikbayeva A, El-Bassel N, Havarkov D, Fisenka A, Boshnakova A, Klepikov A, Saliuk T, Deshko T, Vickerman P

Costs and impact on HIV transmission of a switch from a criminalisation to a public health approach to injecting drug use in eastern Europe and central Asia: a modelling analysis.
Commentary on the harm reduction reference group of justice health and forensic mental health network and corrective services NSW, Australia.

Silano JA, Treloar C, Wright T, Brown T, McGrath C, Snoyman P

Justice Health Hepatitis C Alcohol + Other Drugs Commentary on the harm reduction reference group of justice health and forensic mental health network and corrective services NSW, Australia.