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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Delta variant (B.1.617.2): A meta-analysis.

Mahumud RA, Ali MA, Kundu S, Rahman MA, Kamara JK, Renzaho AMN

‘Not my child’: parenting, pornography, and views on education.

Davis AC, Wright C, Curtis M, Hellard ME, Lim MSC, Temple-Smith MJ

Young People's Health
Reducing liver disease-related deaths in the Asia-Pacific: the important role of decentralised and non-specialist led hepatitis C treatment for cirrhotic patients.

Draper B, Yee WL, Pedrana A, Kyi KP, Qureshi H, Htay H, Naing W, Thompson AJ, Hellard M, Howell J

World Health Organization and knowledge translation in maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition.

STAGE (Strategic Technical Advisory Group of Experts), Duke T, AlBuhairan FS, Agarwal K, Arora NK, Arulkumaran S, Bhutta ZA, Binka F, Castro A, Claeson M, Dao B, Darmstadt GL, English M, Jardali F, Merson M, Ferrand RA, Golden A, Golden MH, Homer C, Jehan F, Kabiru CW, Kirkwood B, Lawn JE, Li S, Patton GC, Ruel M, Sandall J, Sachdev HS, Tomlinson M, Waiswa P, Walker D, Zlotkin S

'What makes up wine o'clock? Understanding social practices involved in alcohol use among women aged 40-65 years in Australia.

Wright CJC, Miller M, Kuntsche E, Kuntsche S

Barriers to women's disclosure of and treatment for substance use during pregnancy: A qualitative study.

Oni HT, Drake JA, Dietze P, Higgs P, Islam MM