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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Can malaria parasites be spontaneously cleared?

Roe MS, O'Flaherty K, Fowkes FJI

"It's not just the hit itself": the social practice of injecting drug use among gay and bisexual men in Australia.

Schroeder SE, Bourne A, Doyle J, Stoove M, Hellard M, Pedrana A

Interface between biomedical and traditional systems of treatment and care among HIV positive fisher folk in two fishing communities on Lake Victoria, Uganda.

Tumwine C, Aggleton P, Bell S

The Importance of Prisons in Achieving Hepatitis C Elimination: Insights from the Australian Experience.

Winter RJ, Holmes JA, Papaluca TJ, Thompson AJ.

Hepatitis C Justice Health
Area-level social and economic factors and the local incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Victoria during 2020.

Roder C, Maggs C, McNamara BJ, O'Brien D, Wade AJ, Bennett C, Pasco JA, Athan E

Response to commentaries: (de)normalization of drinking and its implications for young people, sociality, culture and epidemiology.

Caluzzi G, Livingston M, Holmes J, MacLean S, Lubman DI, Dietze P, Vashishtha R, Herring R, Pennay A