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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Partnership-defined quality approach to companionship during labour and birth in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea: A mixed-methods study.

Wilson AN, Melepia P, Suruka R, Hezeri P, Kabiu D, Babona D, Wapi P, Bohren MA, Vogel JP, Kelly-Hanku A, Morgan A, Beeson JG, Morgan C, Spotswood N, Scoullar MJL, Vallely LM, Homer CSE

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Indonesian midwives' perspectives on changes in the provision of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study.

Hazfiarini A, Zahroh RI, Akter S, Homer CSE, Bohren MA

PacBio long-read amplicon sequencing enables scalable high-resolution population allele typing of the complex CYP2D6 locus.

Charnaud S, Munro JE, Semenec L, Mazhari R, Brewster J, Bourke C, Ruybal-Pesántez S, James R, Lautu-Gumal D, Karunajeewa H, Mueller I, Bahlo M

Multifunctional Antibodies Are Induced by the RTS,S Malaria Vaccine and Associated With Protection in a Phase 1/2a Trial.

Kurtovic L, Atre T, Feng G, Wines BD, Chan JA, Boyle MJ, Drew DR, Hogarth PM, Fowkes FJI, Bergmann-Leitner ES, Beeson JG

Host-directed therapy, an untapped opportunity for antimalarial intervention.

Wei L, Adderley J, Leroy D, Drewry DH, Wilson DW, Kaushansky A, Doerig C

A revised mechanism for how Plasmodium falciparum recruits and exports proteins into its erythrocytic host cell.

Gabriela M, Matthews KM, Boshoven C, Kouskousis B, Jonsdottir TK, Bullen HE, Modak J, Steer DL, Sleebs BE, Crabb BS, de Koning-Ward TF, Gilson PR
