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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Developing sero-diagnostic tests to facilitate Plasmodium vivax Serological Test-and-Treat approaches: modeling the balance between public health impact and overtreatment.

Obadia T, Nekkab N, Robinson LJ, Drakeley C, Mueller I, White MT

Understanding how to live with hepatitis B: a qualitative investigation of peer advice for Chinese people living with hepatitis B in Australia.

Wallace J, Xiao Y, Howell J, Thompson A, Allard N, Adamson E, Richmond J, Hajarizadeh B, Eagle M, Doyle J, Hellard M

Burden of the Beast: Countering Conspiracies and Misinformation within Indigenous Communities in Australia.

Fredericks B, Bradfield A, McAvoy S, Ward J, Spierings S, Combo T, Toth-Peter A

COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats
Pregnancy in the Time of COVID-19: What Are the Challenges for Maternity Care?

Moderator:, Hui L, Experts:, Knight M, Edlow A, Homer C, Danchin M

Antenatal Doppler screening for fetuses at risk of adverse outcomes: a multicountry cohort study of the prevalence of abnormal resistance index in low-risk pregnant women.

Vannevel V, Vogel JP, Pattinson RC, Adanu R, Charantimath U, Goudar SS, Gwako G, Kavi A, Maya E, Osoti A, Pujar Y, Qureshi ZP, Rulisa S, Botha T, Oladapo OT

Interventions to eliminate hepatitis C: which ones suit your community?

Wade AJ, Doyle JS