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Barriers to hepatocellular carcinoma screening uptake


Open to:
Honours; Masters by Research; PhD



Disease Elimination Public Health Hepatitis C  

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer and incidence is increasing worldwide, including in Australia. Currently, people with risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma are recommended to have twice yearly cancer screening with liver ultrasound to detect cancer when it is small enough to provide effective treatment. However, in Victoria only half of HCC are diagnosed through screening, therefore treatment options are often limited and mortality is high.

In this study, we explore barriers to HCC screening adherence. We will examine barriers to HCC screening attendance by quantitative analysis of retrospective demographic, socioeconomic and clinical data. We will collect and analyse qualitative data from a small sample of patients with liver disease, with and without HCC, to determine perceived and actual barriers to screening adherence. Finally, we will collect cost data for the process of HCC screening to inform cost-effectiveness models.

This study involves quantitative analysis of retrospective data from clinical databases (data already collected). There will also be a qualitative component, with data collection using questionnaires, structured interviews and potentially focus groups. Limited field work to collect data for cost effectiveness models will also be required.


Associate Professor Jess Howell
Senior Research Fellow

Professor Joseph Doyle
Deputy Program Director, Disease Elimination; Co-Head, Viral Hepatitis Elimination

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Jessica Howell
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Joseph.Doyle 002 WEB 3
Joseph (Joe) Doyle
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