Priority populations' experiences of isolation, quarantine and distancing for COVID-19: protocol for a longitudinal cohort study (Optimise Study).
Pedrana A, Bowring A, Heath K, Thomas AJ, Wilkinson A, Fletcher-Lartey S, Saich F, Munari S, Oliver J, Merner B, Altermatt A, Nguyen T, Nguyen L, Young K, Kerr P, Osborne D, Kwong EJL, Corona MV, Ke T, Zhang Y, Eisa L, Al-Qassas A, Malith D, Davis A, Gibbs L, Block K, Horyniak D, Wallace J, Power R, Vadasz D, Ryan R, Shearer F, Homer C, Collie A, Meagher N, Danchin M, Kaufman J, Wang P, Hassani A, Sadewo GRP, Robins G, Gallagher C, Matous P, Roden B, Karkavandi MA, Coutinho J, Broccatelli C, Koskinen J, Curtis S, Doyle JS, Geard N, Hill S, Coelho A, Scott N, Lusher D, Stoové MA, Gibney KB, Hellard M.
COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats"Tell us what's going on": Exploring the information needs of pregnant and post-partum women in Australia during the pandemic with 'Tweets', 'Threads', and women's views.
Caddy C, Cheong M, Lim MSC, Power R, Vogel JP, Bradfield Z, Coghlan B, Homer CSE, Wilson AN
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthPublic injecting and public amenity in an inner-city suburb of Melbourne, Australia.
Dwyer R, Power R, Denham G, Dietze P
Alcohol + Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use