Improving Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance Outcomes in Patients with Cirrhosis after Hepatitis C Cure: A Modelling Study.
Cumming J, Scott N, Howell J, Flores JE, Pavlyshyn D, Hellard ME, Winata LS, Ryan M, Sutherland T, Thompson AJ, Doyle JS, Sacks-Davis R
Hepatitis CAnnual hepatitis C testing and positive tests among gay and bisexual men in Australia from 2016 to 2022: a serial cross-sectional analysis of sentinel surveillance data.
Harney BL, Sacks-Davis R, Traeger M, van Santen DK, Wilkinson AL, Asselin J, Fairley CK, Roth N, Bloch M, Matthews G, Donovan B, Guy R, Hellard ME, Doyle JS
Hepatitis CAdmission screening testing of patients and staff N95 respirators are cost-effective in reducing COVID-19 hospital-acquired infections.
McAndrew F, Abeysuriya RG, Sacks-Davis R, Sammann M, Lister DM, West D, Majumdar SS, Scott N
COVID-19Same-visit hepatitis C testing and treatment to accelerate cure among people who inject drugs (the QuickStart Study): a cluster randomised cross-over trial protocol.
Doyle JS, Heath K, Elsum I, Douglass C, Wade A, Kasza J, Allardice K, Von Bibra S, Chan K, Camesella B, Guzman R, Bryant M, Thompson AJ, Stoové MA, Snelling TL, Scott N, Spelman T, Anderson D, Richmond J, Howell J, Andric N, Dietze PM, Higgs P, Sacks-Davis R, Forbes AB, Hellard ME, Pedrana AE
Hepatitis CCOVID-19 outbreaks in residential aged care facilities: an agent-based modeling study.
McAndrew F, Sacks-Davis R, Abeysuriya RG, Delport D, West D, Parta I, Majumdar S, Hellard M, Scott N
COVID-19All-cause mortality before and after DAA availability among people living with HIV and HCV: An international comparison between 2010 and 2019.
Requena MB, Protopopescu C, Stewart AC, van Santen DK, Klein MB, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Wittkop L, Salmon D, Rauch A, Prins M, van der Valk M, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard ME, Carrieri P, Lacombe K; on behalf of the InCHEHC Collaboration
Global Infectious Disease Threats Hepatitis C HIV + AIDS