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Professor Mark A Stoové

Head of Public Health
Current Projects
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Eliminate C Australia- Impact of hepatitis C cure on hepatitis C related liver morbidity and mortality PROJECT
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HIV Prevention Cohort PROJECT
COVID-19 modelling (Covasim) PROJECT
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Supervised Injecting Room Cohort study (SIRX) PROJECT
Injecting drug use in Melbourne: SuperMIX cohort study PROJECT
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Development of a test for diagnosis of active syphilis PROJECT
The Forest PROJECT
Understanding the needs of multicultural communities (VOICE partnership) PROJECT
The International Collaboration on Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV Cohorts (InCHEHC) PROJECT
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Efficacy Assessment of a new point-of-care test (POCT) for confirmation of active syphilis in men who have sex with men PROJECT
ACCESS: The Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses PROJECT
Methamphetamine and injecting drug use cohort studies: MIXMAX
A close up of a UV light sterilization lamp. Image credit Nor Gal via
Using ultraviolet light to reduce COVID-19 in aged care homes (ELUCIDAR study)
Group working together
We keep us safe: working with communities to end domestic, family and sexual violence
Past Projects
COUNT: Community-based undiagnosed infection and HIV testing study PROJECT
e-TEST: Enhancing STI/HIV testing in high-risk gay men PROJECT
Evaluation of a condom distribution trial in Victorian prisons PROJECT
Eliminate C (EC) Victoria Partnership PROJECT
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WHISPER and SHOUT - mHealth interventions among Kenyan sex workers PROJECT
TAIPAN: HIV cascade surveillance PROJECT
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PRONTO! Rapid HIV point-of-care testing in Victoria PROJECT
PrEPX: Rapid scale-up of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) PROJECT
Project Geldom PROJECT
ACCESS Myanmar: Assessing the feasibility of an integrated HIV cascade of care surveillance system in Myanmar PROJECT
Ageing Well with HIV PROJECT
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Cohort study of ex-prisoners with a history of injecting drug use PROJECT
The elimination of hepatitis C as a global public health threat PROJECT
Co-EC Study: Eliminating hepatitis C/HIV coinfection PROJECT
The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19 PROJECT
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Improving access to CD4 testing among people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries PROJECT
Novel Point-of-care Testing for Diagnosis of Active Syphilis in Pregnant Women and Infants in Fiji PROJECT
Cancer information compared to Hepatitis B information to INcreAse hepatitis B testing in Melbourne’s Chinese community (CHINA-B study) PROJECT