The impacts of COVID-19 measures on drug markets and drug use among a cohort of people who use methamphetamine in Victoria, Australia.
Rathnayake K, Agius PA, Ward B, Hickman M, Maher L, Stoové M, Doyle JS, Hellard M, Wilkinson A, Quinn B, Crawford S, Sutton K, Dietze P
COVID-19Police custody in Australia: A call for transparency and accountability.
Walker S, Wilson M, Seear K, Doyle M, Saich F, Stoové M, Winter R
Justice HealthReasons for not commencing direct-acting antiviral treatment despite unrestricted access for individuals with HIV and hepatitis C virus: a multinational, prospective cohort study.
Isfordink CJ, Boyd A, Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Smit C, Martinello M, Stoove M, Berenguer J, Wittkop L, Klein MB, Rauch A, Salmon D, Lacombe K, Stewart A, Schinkel J, Doyle JS, Hellard M, van der Valk M, Matthews GV, InCHEHC study group
Hepatitis C HIV + AIDSIs use of opioid agonist treatment associated with broader primary healthcare use among men with recent injecting drug use histories following release from prison? A prospective cohort study.
Curtis M, Wilkinson AL, Dietze P, Stewart AC, Kinner SA, Winter RJ, Aitken C, Walker SJ, Cossar RD, Butler T, Stoové M
HIV treatment-as-prevention and its effect on incidence of HIV among cisgender gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Australia: a 10-year longitudinal cohort study.
Callander D, McManus H, Gray RT, Grulich AE, Carr A, Hoy J, Donovan B, Fairley CK, Holt M, Templeton DJ, Liaw ST, McMahon JM, Asselin J, Petoumenos K, Hellard M, Pedrana A, Elliott J, Keen P, Costello J, Keane R, Kaldor J, Stoové M, Guy R
HIV + AIDSIncidence of suicide and self-harm among people with opioid use disorder and the impact of opioid agonist treatment: A retrospective data linkage study.
Colledge-Frisby S, Jones N, Degenhardt L, Hickman M, Padmanathan P, Santo T, Farrell M, Gisev N
Alcohol + Other Drugs