Contact screening and management in a high-transmission MDR-TB setting in Papua New Guinea: Progress, challenges and future directions
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COVID-19 and its impacts on primary health services and public health infectious disease programs in Papua New Guinea. (PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT),
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COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthA prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study for the Truenat tuberculosis assays.
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Global Infectious Disease Threats Tuberculosis (TB)Adapting active case-finding for TB during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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COVID-19 Tuberculosis (TB)Tuberculosis in pregnant women and neonates: A meta-review of current evidence.
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Successful implementation of bedaquiline for multidrug-resistant TB treatment in remote Papua New Guinea.
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Global Infectious Disease Threats Tuberculosis (TB)