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Professor Joseph (Joe) Doyle

Deputy Program Director, Disease Elimination; Co-Head, Infectious Diseases Clinical Research; President, Hepatitis Australia; NHMRC Clinical Research Fellow
Joseph.Doyle 002 WEB 3
Current Projects
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Eliminate C Australia- Impact of hepatitis C cure on hepatitis C related liver morbidity and mortality PROJECT Arrow Icon
Fibroscan 510X288
Barriers to hepatocellular carcinoma screening uptake in Victoria PROJECT Arrow Icon
Inchehc Logo 510X288
The International Collaboration on Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV Cohorts (InCHEHC) PROJECT Arrow Icon
Past Projects
Project Rapid EC 510 X 288
Rapid-EC hepatitis C Pilot Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
Eliminate C (EC) Victoria Partnership PROJECT Arrow Icon
200529 Pharm Ec 510X288
PharmEC REACH study: Reaching mEthadone users Attending Community pHarmacies with HCV PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Optimising Quarantine Study PROJECT Arrow Icon
210225 Hcv Nhmrc 510X288
The elimination of hepatitis C as a global public health threat PROJECT Arrow Icon
Co EC 230X230
Co-EC Study: Eliminating hepatitis C/HIV coinfection PROJECT Arrow Icon
Optimise Logo On White 11.29.18 Am
The Optimise Study: Optimising Isolation, Quarantine and Distancing for COVID-19 PROJECT Arrow Icon
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Cancer information compared to Hepatitis B information to INcreAse hepatitis B testing in Melbourne’s Chinese community (CHINA-B study) PROJECT Arrow Icon