Factors Associated with Timely First-Dose Pentavalent and Measles-Rubella Vaccination: A Cross-Sectional Study in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Dalton M, Pomat W, Danchin M, Homer CSE, Sanderson B, Kiromat P, Robinson LJ, Scoullar MJL, Melepia P, Laman M, James HA, Stanley E, Waramin E, Vaccher S
The effects of COVID-19 on maternal, newborn and child health services in Papua New Guinea.
Vallely LM, Newland J, Neuendorf N, Mek AK, Farquhar R, Kerry Z, Boli-Neo R, Seymour M, Wratten M, Aeno H, Trumb RN, Maalsen A, Homer CS, Kelly-Hanku A
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthThe Portrayal of Cesarean Section on Instagram: Mixed Methods Social Media Analysis.
Zahroh RI, Cheong M, Hazfiarini A, Vazquez Corona M, Ekawati FM, Emilia O, Homer CS, Betrán AP, Bohren MA
Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Sexual + Reproductive HealthExperiences of antenatal care practices to reduce stillbirth: surveys of women and healthcare professionals pre-post implementation of the Safer Baby Bundle.
Andrews C, Boyle FM, Pade A, Middleton P, Ellwood D, Gordon A, Davies-Tuck M, Homer C, Griffin A, Nicholl M, Sketcher-Baker K, Flenady V
Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Sexual + Reproductive HealthHarnessing partnerships to strengthen global midwifery education to improve quality maternal and newborn health care: The Alliance to Improve Midwifery Education (AIME).
Bar-Zeev S, Shikuku D, Homer C, Smith R, Hardtman P, Lal G, Stalls S, Masuda C, Copeland F, Ugglas AA, Pairman S, Hailegebriel TD, Ameh C
Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthIncreasing the number of midwives is necessary but not sufficient: using global data to support the case for investment in both midwife availability and the enabling work environment in low- and middle-income countries.
Nove A, Boyce M, Neal S, Homer CSE, Lavender T, Matthews Z, Downe S
Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Sexual + Reproductive Health