An evaluation of existing text de-identification tools for use with patient progress notes from Australian general practice.
El-Hayek C, Barzegar S, Faux N, Doyle K, Pillai P, Mutch SJ, Vaisey A, Ward R, Sanci L, Dunn AG, Hellard ME, Hocking JS, Verspoor K, Boyle DI
The Incidence of Hepatitis C Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia, 2009-2019.
Harney BL, Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Traeger M, Wilkinson AL, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Fairley CK, Roth N, Bloch M, Matthews G, Donovan B, Guy R, Stoové M, Hellard ME, Doyle JS, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood-borne Viruses (ACCESS)
Hepatitis C incidence among patients attending primary care health services that specialise in the care of people who inject drugs, Victoria, Australia, 2009 to 2020.
Wilkinson AL, van Santen DK, Traeger MW, Sacks-Davis R, Asselin J, Scott N, Harney BL, Doyle JS, El-Hayek C, Howell J, Bramwell F, McManus H, Donovan B, Stoové M, Hellard M, Pedrana A
Real-world monitoring progress towards the elimination of hepatitis C virus in Australia using sentinel surveillance of primary care clinics; an ecological study of hepatitis C virus antibody tests from 2009 to 2019.
Lee Wilkinson A, Pedrana A, Traeger MW, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Nguyen L, Polkinghorne V, Doyle JS, Thompson AJ, Howell J, Scott N, Dimech W, Guy R, Hellard M, Stoové M, EC Victoria Partnership and the Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of blood-borne viruses AND sexually transmissible infections (ACCESS)
Microelimination of Hepatitis C Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection: Declining Incidence and Prevalence Accompanying a Multicenter Treatment Scale-up Trial.
Doyle JS, van Santen DK, Iser D, Sasadeusz J, O'Reilly M, Harney B, Traeger MW, Roney J, Cutts JC, Bowring AL, Winter R, Medland N, Fairley CK, Moore R, Tee BK, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Hoy JF, Matthews GV, Prins M, Stoové MA, Hellard ME
Improvements in transition times through the HIV cascade of care among gay and bisexual men with a new HIV diagnosis in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia (2012-19): a longitudinal cohort study.
van Santen DK, Asselin J, Haber NA, Traeger MW, Callander D, Donovan B, El-Hayek C, McMahon JH, Petoumenos K, McManus H, Hoy JF, Hellard M, Guy R, Stoové M, TAIPAN investigators