Accurate determination of house dust mite sensitization in asthma and allergic rhinitis through cytometric detection of Der p 1 and Der p 2 binding on Basophils (CytoBas).
Hsin L, Varese N, Aui PM, Wines BD, von Borstel A, Mascarell L, Hogarth PM, Hew M, O'Hehir RE, van Zelm MC.
Robust immunity to influenza vaccination in haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients following reconstitution of humoral and adaptive immunity.
Zhang W, Rowntree LC, Muttucumaru R, Damelang T, Aban M, Hurt AC, Auladell M, Esterbauer R, Wines B, Hogarth M, Turner SJ, Wheatley AK, Kent SJ, Patil S, Avery S, Morrissey O, Chung AW, Koutsakos M, Nguyen TH, Cheng AC, Kotsimbos TC, Kedzierska K
Mutation of the TGN1412 anti-CD28 Monoclonal Antibody Lower Hinge Confers Specific FcγRIIb Binding and Retention of Super-Agonist Activity.
Chenoweth AM, Esparon S, Wines BD, Schuurman J, Labrijn AF, Hogarth PM
Immune Disease + CancerCorrigendum: Fc engineered ACE2-Fc is a potent multifunctional agent targeting SARS-CoV2.
Wines BD, Kurtovic L, Trist HM, Esparon S, Lopez E, Chappin K, Chan LJ, Mordant FL, Lee WS, Gherardin NA, Patel SK, Hartley GE, Pymm P, Cooney JP, Beeson JG, Godfrey DI, Burrell LM, van Zelm MC, Wheatley AK, Chung AW, Tham WH, Subbarao K, Kent SJ, Hogarth PM
COVID-19Immunization with inactivated whole virus particle influenza virus vaccines improves the humoral response landscape in cynomolgus macaques.
Chua BY, Sekiya T, Koutsakos M, Nomura N, Rowntree LC, Nguyen THO, McQuilten HA, Ohno M, Ohara Y, Nishimura T, Endo M, Itoh Y, Habel JR, Selva KJ, Wheatley AK, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Kent SJ, Chung AW, Jackson DC, Brown LE, Shingai M, Kedzierska K, Kida H