Protocol for integrated solutions for healthy birth, growth and development: a cluster-randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a mixed nutrition intervention package in reducing child undernutrition in Lao People's Democratic Republic.
Huang S, Toole M, Renzaho AM, Kounnavong S, Watts JJ, Coghlan B
Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Nutrition"Tell us what's going on": Exploring the information needs of pregnant and post-partum women in Australia during the pandemic with 'Tweets', 'Threads', and women's views.
Caddy C, Cheong M, Lim MSC, Power R, Vogel JP, Bradfield Z, Coghlan B, Homer CSE, Wilson AN
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthImpact of Victoria's Stage 3 lockdown on COVID-19 case numbers.
Saul A, Scott N, Crabb BS, Majumdar SS, Coghlan B, Hellard ME
COVID-19Tracking, tracing, trust: contemplating mitigating the impact of COVID-19 through technological interventions.
Coghlan S, Cheong M, Coghlan B
A strategic framework to ease community-wide Covid-19 suppression measures.
Coghlan B, Majumdar SS, Pedrana A, Hellard ME, Crabb BS