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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Acceptability and quality of the 'Grog Survey App' brief intervention: Helping Aboriginal Australians reflect on their drinking using a digital health tool.

Lee KK, Conigrave JH, Dale E, Conigrave KM, Dzidowska M, Reynolds T, Wilson S, Perry J, Manton D, Lee A, Hayman N, Zheng C, Fitts M, Wilson D, Dawson A

Alcohol and Other Drugs
Eliminating gender bias in biomedical research requires fair inclusion of pregnant women and gender diverse people.

Shankar M, Gülmezoglu AM, Vogel JP, Goudar SS, McDougall A, Somannavar MS, Rushwan S, Pujar YV, Charantimath U, Ammerdorffer A, Bohren MA

Sexual + Reproductive Health
Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Hepatitis C in Clients on Opioid Agonist Therapy in Community Pharmacies Compared to Primary Healthcare in Australia.

Ginnane JF, Scott N, Radley A, Dillon JF, Hellard M, Doyle J

Parents' attitudes and response to their child's pornography consumption in Australia: cross-sectional survey.

Lim MSC, Johnson ER, Raggatt MH

Young People's Health Sexual + Reproductive Health
The role and value of counsellors in the treatment journeys of people with tuberculosis and their families: Qualitative insights from the South Fly District of Papua New Guinea.

Jops P, Cowan J, Trumb RN, Kupul M, Kuma A, Bell S, Keam T, Bauri M, Nindil H, Majumdar SS, Finch S, Pomat W, Marais BJ, Marks GB, Kaldor J, Vallely A, Graham SM, Kelly-Hanku A

Tuberculosis (TB)
Two subtle problems with overrepresentation analysis.

Ziemann M, Schroeter B, Bora A