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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Parental alcohol use and the level of child protection response in Australia (2012-21).

Smit K, Rintala J, Riordan B, Lee K, Laslett AM

Alcohol and Other Drugs Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Justice Health
Anxiety and depression among a community-recruited cohort of people who use methamphetamine: A longitudinal analysis.

Duncan Z, Kippen R, Sutton K, Ward B, Rathnayake K, Quinn B, Dietze P

Alcohol and Other Drugs
The effects of COVID-19 on maternal, newborn and child health services in Papua New Guinea.

Vallely LM, Newland J, Neuendorf N, Mek AK, Farquhar R, Kerry Z, Boli-Neo R, Seymour M, Wratten M, Aeno H, Trumb RN, Maalsen A, Homer CS, Kelly-Hanku A

COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Plasmodium cynomolgi Infections Not Found in Microscopy-Diagnosed Malaria Cases across Sabah, Malaysia.

Murdiyarso LS, Rajahram GS, Tan AF, Piera KA, William T, Oyong DA, Sakam SSB, Jelip J, Dony J, Jantim A, Teo R, Manah AM, Barber BE, Anstey NM, Grigg MJ

A Proposal for a Best-evidence Model of Care and Program Logic for Supported Accommodation for People Released From Prison.

Gibbs D, Shakeshaft A, Walker S, Larney S, Farnbach S

Justice Health
Exploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Technological Interventions to Prevent Adolescents' Exposure to Online Pornography: Qualitative Research.

Turvey J, McKay D, Kaur ST, Castree N, Chang S, Lim MSC

Young People's Health