Parental alcohol use and the level of child protection response in Australia (2012-21).
Smit K, Rintala J, Riordan B, Lee K, Laslett AM
Alcohol and Other Drugs Maternal, Newborn + Child Health Justice HealthAnxiety and depression among a community-recruited cohort of people who use methamphetamine: A longitudinal analysis.
Duncan Z, Kippen R, Sutton K, Ward B, Rathnayake K, Quinn B, Dietze P
Alcohol and Other DrugsThe effects of COVID-19 on maternal, newborn and child health services in Papua New Guinea.
Vallely LM, Newland J, Neuendorf N, Mek AK, Farquhar R, Kerry Z, Boli-Neo R, Seymour M, Wratten M, Aeno H, Trumb RN, Maalsen A, Homer CS, Kelly-Hanku A
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthA Proposal for a Best-evidence Model of Care and Program Logic for Supported Accommodation for People Released From Prison.
Gibbs D, Shakeshaft A, Walker S, Larney S, Farnbach S
Justice HealthExploring the Feasibility and Acceptability of Technological Interventions to Prevent Adolescents' Exposure to Online Pornography: Qualitative Research.
Turvey J, McKay D, Kaur ST, Castree N, Chang S, Lim MSC
Young People's Health