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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Cost-effectiveness of antenatal corticosteroids and tocolytic agents in the management of preterm birth: A systematic review.

Sebastian E, Bykersma C, Eggleston A, Eddy KE, Chim ST, Zahroh RI, Scott N, Chou D, Oladapo OT, Vogel JP

The Incidence of Hepatitis C Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia, 2009-2019.

Harney BL, Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Traeger M, Wilkinson AL, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Fairley CK, Roth N, Bloch M, Matthews G, Donovan B, Guy R, Stoové M, Hellard ME, Doyle JS, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood-borne Viruses (ACCESS)

The impact of three progressively introduced interventions on second wave daily COVID-19 case numbers in Melbourne, Australia.

Saul A, Scott N, Spelman T, Crabb BS, Hellard M

A survey of knowledge, attitudes, barriers and support needs in providing hepatitis B care among GPs practising in Australia.

Xiao Y, van Gemert C, Howell J, Wallace J, Richmond J, Adamson E, Thompson A, Hellard M

Quality newborn care in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea: measuring early newborn care practices and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Wilson AN, Melepia P, Suruka R, Hezeri P, Kabiu D, Babona D, Wapi P, Spotswood N, Bohren MA, Vogel JP, Kelly-Hanku A, Morgan A, Beeson JG, Morgan C, Vallely LM, Waramin EJ, Scoullar MJL, Homer CSE

Exploring the Use of Hospital and Community Mental Health Services Among Newly Resettled Refugees.

Mazumdar S, Chong S, Eagar S, Fletcher-Lartey S, Jalaludin B, Smith M