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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Level and correlates of social support in a community-based sample of Australians who primarily smoke methamphetamine.

Leach MJ, Ward B, Kippen R, Quinn B, Agius PA, Sutton K, Peterson J, Dietze PM

Bridging the gap to achieve viral hepatitis mortality targets.

Flores E, Howell J

The Role of Parental Control and Support in Declining Adolescent Drinking: A Multi-Level Study Across 30 European Countries.

Vashishtha R, Pennay A, Dietze PM, Livingston M

The acceptability and usability of two HIV self-test kits among men who have sex with men: a randomised crossover trial.

Lee DY, Ong JJ, Smith K, Jamil MS, McIver R, Wigan R, Maddaford K, McNulty A, Kaldor JM, Fairley CK, Bavinton B, Chen M, Chow EP, Grulich AE, Holt M, Conway DP, Stoove M, Wand H, Guy RJ

Surgical resection of chest wall sarcomas: an analysis of survival and predictors of outcome at an Australian multidisciplinary sarcoma service.

Thakur S, Choong E, Balasooriya A, Spelman T, Wright G, Choong P

HBV continuum of care using community- and hospital-based screening interventions in Senegal: Results from the PROLIFICA programme.

Sow A, Lemoine M, Toure PS, Diop M, Lo G, De Veiga J, Pape OT, Seck K, Ndow G, Bojang L, Kane A, Oudiane M, Howell J, Nayagam S, Moutchia J, Chemin I, Mendy M, Toure-Kane C, Thursz M, Ka M, Shimakawa Y, Mboup S