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Research Articles

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Antibody dynamics in children with first or repeat <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> infections.

Rogier E, Nace D, Dimbu PR, Wakeman B, Beeson JG, Drakeley C, Tetteh K, Plucinski M

UHC-The critical platform towards a healthier and safer future in 2030 and beyond.

Biscoe G, David AM, Effler P, Hong YC, Morgan C, Raviglione MCB, Whittaker MA, Kasai T

Age-dependent changes in circulating Tfh cells influence development of functional malaria antibodies in children.

Chan JA, Loughland JR, de la Parte L, Okano S, Ssewanyana I, Nalubega M, Nankya F, Musinguzi K, Rek J, Arinaitwe E, Tipping P, Bourke P, Andrew D, Dooley N, SheelaNair A, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Beeson JG, Greenhouse B, Dorsey G, Kamya M, Hartel G, Minigo G, Feeney M, Jagannathan P, Boyle MJ

The Global Epidemiological Transition in Cardiovascular Diseases: Unrecognised Impact of Endemic Infections on Peripheral Artery Disease.

Agius PA, Cutts JC, Song P, Rudan I, Rudan D, Aboyans V, McDermott MM, Criqui MH, Fowkes FGR, Fowkes FJI

Puberty health intervention to improve menstrual health and school attendance among adolescent girls in The Gambia: study methodology of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in rural Gambia (MEGAMBO TRIAL).

Shah V, Phillips-Howard P, Hennegan J, Cavill S, Sonko B, Sinjanka E, Camara Trawally N, Kanteh A, Mendy F, Bah AB, Saar M, Ross I, Schmidt W, Torondel B

A cohort study of differences in trauma outcomes between females and males at four Indian Urban Trauma Centers.

Pendleton AA, Sarang B, Mohan M, Raykar N, Wärnberg MG, Khajanchi M, Dharap S, Fitzgerald M, Sharma N, Soni KD, O'Reilly G, Bhandarkar P, Misra M, Mathew J, Jarwani B, Howard T, Gupta A, Cameron P, Bhoi S, Roy N