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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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C-reactive protein as a predictor of cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected individuals

Westhorpe CL, Schneider HG, Dunne M, Middleton T, Sundararajan V, Spelman T, Carter V, Crowe SM, Dart A, Mijch A, Kotsanas D, Woolley I

The role of obesity duration on the association between obesity and risk of physical disability.

Wong E, Tanamas SK, Wolfe R, Backholer K, Stevenson C, Abdullah A, Peeters A

Clinical and virological predictors of hepatic flares in pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B.

Giles M, Visvanathan K, Lewin S, Bowden S, Locarnini S, Spelman T, Sasadeusz J

Mortality and cause of death in a cohort of people who had ever injected drugs in Glasgow: 1982-2012.

Nambiar D, Weir A, Aspinall EJ, Stoové M, Hutchinson S, Dietze P, Waugh L, Goldberg DJ

Panobinostat clinical trial highlights the challenges towards an HIV cure.

Palmer CS, Crowe SM

Acquisition of antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and malaria immunity in young children and the influence of age, force of infection, and magnitude of response.

Stanisic DI, Fowkes FJ, Koinari M, Javati S, Lin E, Kiniboro B, Richards JS, Robinson LJ, Schofield L, Kazura JW, King CL, Zimmerman P, Felger I, Siba PM, Mueller I, Beeson JG