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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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G6PD deficiency at Sumba in Eastern Indonesia is prevalent, diverse and severe: implications for primaquine therapy against relapsing Vivax malaria.

Satyagraha AW, Sadhewa A, Baramuli V, Elvira R, Ridenour C, Elyazar I, Noviyanti R, Coutrier FN, Harahap AR, Baird JK

Conformational dynamics and antigenicity in the disordered malaria antigen merozoite surface protein 2.

MacRaild CA, Zachrdla M, Andrew D, Krishnarjuna B, Nováček J, Žídek L, Sklenář V, Richards JS, Beeson JG, Anders RF, Norton RS

Sexually transmitted infections among transgender people and men who have sex with men in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Veronese V, van Gemert C, Bulu S, Kwarteng T, Bergeri I, Badman S, Vella A, Stoové M

Malaria and immunity during pregnancy and postpartum: a tale of two species.

McLean AR, Ataide R, Simpson JA, Beeson JG, Fowkes FJ

Ultra-sensitive detection of Plasmodium falciparum by amplification of multi-copy subtelomeric targets.

Hofmann N, Mwingira F, Shekalaghe S, Robinson LJ, Mueller I, Felger I

Chest radiography for diagnosis of tuberculosis in children: a problem of interpretation.

Graham SM