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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Risk factors for malaria and adverse birth outcomes in a prospective cohort of pregnant women resident in a high malaria transmission area of Papua New Guinea.

Stanisic DI, Moore KA, Baiwog F, Ura A, Clapham C, King CL, Siba PM, Beeson JG, Mueller I, Fowkes FJ, Rogerson SJ

Oral health-related quality of life among an Australian sample of people who inject drugs.

Truong A, Higgs P, Cogger S, Jamieson L, Burns L, Dietze P

Morbidity and mortality in hospitalised neonates in central Vietnam.

Tran HT, Doyle LW, Lee KJ, Dang NM, Graham SM

HIV eradication symposium: will the brain be left behind?

Brew BJ, Robertson K, Wright EJ, Churchill M, Crowe SM, Cysique LA, Deeks S, Garcia JV, Gelman B, Gray LR, Johnson T, Joseph J, Margolis DM, Mankowski JL, Spencer B

Structural biology of antibody recognition of carbohydrate epitopes and potential uses for targeted cancer immunotherapies.

Dingjan T, Spendlove I, Durrant LG, Scott AM, Yuriev E, Ramsland PA

Risk of infection and disease with Mycobacterium tuberculosis among children identified through prospective community-based contact screening in Indonesia.

Triasih R, Robertson C, Duke T, Graham SM