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Research Articles

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Effective Antimalarial Chemoprevention in Childhood Enhances the Quality of CD4+ T Cells and Limits Their Production of Immunoregulatory Interleukin 10.

Jagannathan P, Bowen K, Nankya F, McIntyre TI, Auma A, Wamala S, Sikyomu E, Naluwu K, Nalubega M, Boyle MJ, Farrington LA, Bigira V, Kapisi J, Aweeka F, Greenhouse B, Kamya M, Dorsey G, Feeney ME

Ex vivo foam cell formation is enhanced in monocytes from older individuals by both extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms.

Angelovich TA, Shi MD, Zhou J, Maisa A, Hearps AC, Jaworowski A

The NF-κB transcription factor RelA is required for the tolerogenic function of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells.

Messina N, Fulford T, O'Reilly L, Loh WX, Motyer JM, Ellis D, McLean C, Naeem H, Lin A, Gugasyan R, Slattery RM, Grumont RJ, Gerondakis S

Duration of obesity and incident hypertension in adults from the Framingham Heart Study.

Tanamas SK, Wong E, Backholer K, Abdullah A, Wolfe R, Barendregt J, Peeters A

Antibody-Carbohydrate Recognition from Docked Ensembles Using the AutoMap Procedure.

Dingjan T, Agostino M, Ramsland PA, Yuriev E

Syringe Stockpiling by Persons Who Inject Drugs: An Evaluation of Current Measures for Needle and Syringe Program Coverage.

McCormack AR, Aitken CK, Burns LA, Cogger S, Dietze PM