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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Inferring HIV incidence from case surveillance with CD4+ cell counts.

Jansson J, Kerr CC, Mallitt KA, Wu J, Gray RT, Wilson DP

C the difference: exploring the learning strategies used by hepatology nurses in the era of new hepatitis C treatments.

Richmond J, Mason S

Hepatitis C
The potential impact of new generation molecular point-of-care tests on gonorrhoea and chlamydia in a setting of high endemic prevalence.

Hui BB, Wilson DP, Ward JS, Guy RJ, Kaldor JM, Law MG, Hocking JS, Regan DG

HIV-1 Mutation and Recombination Rates Are Different in Macrophages and T-cells.

Cromer D, Schlub TE, Smyth RP, Grimm AJ, Chopra A, Mallal S, Davenport MP, Mak J

The introduction of CCTV and associated changes in heroin purchase and injection settings in Footscray, Victoria, Australia.

Scott N, Higgs P, Caulkins JP, Aitken C, Cogger S, Dietze P

Alcohol and Other Drugs Injecting Drug Use
Plasmodium vivax malaria: challenges in diagnosis, treatment and elimination.

Beeson JG, Chu CS, Richards JS, Nosten F, Fowkes FJ