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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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A central role for hepatic conventional dendritic cells in supporting Th2 responses during helminth infection.

Lundie RJ, Webb LM, Marley AK, Phythian-Adams AT, Cook PC, Jackson-Jones LH, Brown S, Maizels RM, Boon L, O'Keeffe M, MacDonald AS

A central role for hepatic conventional dendritic cells in supporting Th2 responses during helminth infection.
Lipidomic dataset of plasma from patients infected with wild type and nef-deficient HIV-1 strain.

Meikle P, Low H, Churchill MJ, Bukrinsky M, Sviridov D

Lipidomic dataset of plasma from patients infected with wild type and nef-deficient HIV-1 strain.
Mortality in the Melbourne injecting drug user cohort study (MIX).

Nambiar D, Agius PA, Stoové M, Hickman M, Dietze P

Mortality in the Melbourne injecting drug user cohort study (MIX).
Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity against Reactivated HIV-1-Infected Cells.

Lee WS, Richard J, Lichtfuss M, Smith AB, Park J, Courter JR, Melillo BN, Sodroski JG, Kaufmann DE, Finzi A, Parsons MS, Kent SJ

Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity against Reactivated HIV-1-Infected Cells.
Contrasting Patterns of Serologic and Functional Antibody Dynamics to Plasmodium falciparum Antigens in a Kenyan Birth Cohort.

Dent AE, Malhotra I, Wang X, Babineau D, Yeo KT, Anderson T, Kimmel RJ, Angov E, Lanar DE, Narum D, Dutta S, Richards J, Beeson JG, Crabb BS, Cowman AF, Horii T, Muchiri E, Mungai PL, King CL, Kazura JW

Contrasting Patterns of Serologic and Functional Antibody Dynamics to Plasmodium falciparum Antigens in a Kenyan Birth Cohort.
Induction of partial immunity in both males and females is sufficient to protect females against sexual transmission of Chlamydia.

O'Meara CP, Armitage CW, Kollipara A, Andrew DW, Trim L, Plenderleith MB, Beagley KW

Induction of partial immunity in both males and females is sufficient to protect females against sexual transmission of Chlamydia.