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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Effect of ipilimumab on the HIV reservoir in an HIV-infected individual with metastatic melanoma.

Wightman F, Solomon A, Kumar SS, Urriola N, Gallagher K, Hiener B, Palmer S, Mcneil C, Garsia R, Lewin SR

Effect of ipilimumab on the HIV reservoir in an HIV-infected individual with metastatic melanoma.
Drug testing, accuracy and harm reduction: a response to Barratt & Ezard.

Miller PG, Droste N, Curtis AJ, Pennay A, Jenkinson R

Drug testing, accuracy and harm reduction: a response to Barratt & Ezard.
Comparison of oncological and health-related quality of life outcomes between open and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for localised prostate cancer - findings from the population-based Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry.

Ong WL, Evans SM, Spelman T, Kearns PA, Murphy DG, Millar JL

Comparison of oncological and health-related quality of life outcomes between open and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for localised prostate cancer - findings from the population-based Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry.
Antibody Recognition of Disordered Antigens.

MacRaild CA, Richards JS, Anders RF, Norton RS

Antibody Recognition of Disordered Antigens.
Travel Destinations and Sexual Behavior as Indicators of Antibiotic Resistant Shigella Strains--Victoria, Australia.

Lane CR, Sutton B, Valcanis M, Kirk M, Walker C, Lalor K, Stephens N

Travel Destinations and Sexual Behavior as Indicators of Antibiotic Resistant Shigella Strains--Victoria, Australia.
A multicentre randomized controlled trial of gentle assisted pushing in the upright posture (GAP) or upright posture alone compared with routine practice to reduce prolonged second stage of labour (the Gentle Assisted Pushing study): study protocol.

Hofmeyr GJ, Singata M, Lawrie T, Vogel JP, Landoulsi S, Seuc AH, Gülmezoglu AM

A multicentre randomized controlled trial of gentle assisted pushing in the upright posture (GAP) or upright posture alone compared with routine practice to reduce prolonged second stage of labour (the Gentle Assisted Pushing study): study protocol.