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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The management of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in young children post-2015: an opportunity to close the policy-practice gap.

Graham SM

Quantifying Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses in HIV-Infected Participants Using a Novel High Throughput Assay.

Yong MK, Cameron PU, Spelman T, Elliott JH, Fairley CK, Boyle J, Miyamasu M, Lewin SR

Relapse to opioid use in opioid-dependent individuals released from compulsory drug detention centres compared with those from voluntary methadone treatment centres in Malaysia: a two-arm, prospective observational study.

Wegman MP, Altice FL, Kaur S, Rajandaran V, Osornprasop S, Wilson D, Wilson DP, Kamarulzaman A

The effects of needle-sharing and opioid substitution therapy on incidence of hepatitis C virus infection and reinfection in people who inject drugs.

Aitken CK, Agius PA, Higgs PG, Stoové MA, Bowden DS, Dietze PM

Schoolgirls' experience and appraisal of menstrual absorbents in rural Uganda: a cross-sectional evaluation of reusable sanitary pads.

Hennegan J, Dolan C, Wu M, Scott L, Montgomery P

Truncated Latrunculins as Actin Inhibitors Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Motility and Host Cell Invasion.

Johnson S, Rahmani R, Drew DR, Williams MJ, Wilkinson M, Tan YH, Huang JX, Tonkin CJ, Beeson JG, Baum J, Smith BJ, Baell JB