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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Modelling the effect of short-course multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.

Trauer JM, Achar J, Parpieva N, Khamraev A, Denholm JT, Falzon D, Jaramillo E, Mesic A, du Cros P, McBryde ES

Modelling the effect of short-course multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.
Peripheral artery disease: epidemiology and global perspectives.

Fowkes FG, Aboyans V, Fowkes FJ, McDermott MM, Sampson UK, Criqui MH

Peripheral artery disease: epidemiology and global perspectives.
Decreased levels of platelet-derived soluble glycoprotein VI detected prior to the first diagnosis of coronary artery disease in HIV-positive individuals.

Trevillyan JM, Gardiner EE, Andrews RK, Maisa A, Hearps AC, Al-Tamimi M, Crowe SM, Hoy JF

Decreased levels of platelet-derived soluble glycoprotein VI detected prior to the first diagnosis of coronary artery disease in HIV-positive individuals.
The effect of HIV infection on anal and penile human papillomavirus incidence and clearance: a cohort study among MSM.

Mooij SH, van Santen DK, Geskus RB, van der Sande MA, Coutinho RA, Stolte IG, Snijders PJ, Meijer CJ, Speksnijder AG, de Vries HJ, King AJ, van Eeden A, van der Loeff MF

The effect of HIV infection on anal and penile human papillomavirus incidence and clearance: a cohort study among MSM.
HIV-1 Pr55<sup>Gag</sup> binds genomic and spliced RNAs with different affinity and stoichiometry.

Bernacchi S, Abd El-Wahab EW, Dubois N, Hijnen M, Smyth RP, Mak J, Marquet R, Paillart JC

HIV-1 Pr55<sup>Gag</sup> binds genomic and spliced RNAs with different affinity and stoichiometry.
The increasing burden of potentially preventable liver disease among adult liver transplant recipients: A comparative analysis of liver transplant indication by era in Australia and New Zealand.

Howell J, Balderson G, Hellard M, Gow P, Strasser S, Stuart K, Wigg A, Jeffrey G, Gane E, Angus PW

The increasing burden of potentially preventable liver disease among adult liver transplant recipients: A comparative analysis of liver transplant indication by era in Australia and New Zealand.