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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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An exported protein-interacting complex involved in the trafficking of virulence determinants in Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes.

Batinovic S, McHugh E, Chisholm SA, Matthews K, Liu B, Dumont L, Charnaud SC, Schneider MP, Gilson PR, de Koning-Ward TF, Dixon MWA, Tilley L

New hepatitis C antiviral treatments eliminate the virus.

Doyle JS, Thompson AJ, Higgs P, Stoove M, Dietze PM, Hellard ME

Fc functional antibodies in humans with severe H7N9 and seasonal influenza.

Lee WS, Kristensen AB, Rasmussen TA, Tolstrup M, Østergaard L, Søgaard OS, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Reynaldi A, Davenport MP, Emery S, Amin J, Cooper DA, Kan VL, Fox J, Gruell H, Parsons MS, Kent SJ.

Global Infectious Disease Threats
Postpartum Women's Preferences for Lifestyle Intervention after Childbirth: A Multi-Methods Study Using the TIDieR Checklist.

Makama M, Chen M, Moran LJ, Skouteris H, Harrison CL, Choi T, Lim S.

Maternal, Newborn + Child Health
Subjective well-being among young people in five Eastern European countries.

Lim MSC, Cappa C, Patton GC

Determinants of knowledge of critical danger signs, safe childbirth and immediate newborn care practices among auxiliary midwives: a cross sectional survey in Myanmar.

Than KK, Morgan A, Pham MD, Beeson JG, Luchters S