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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Implementation of effective practices in health facilities: a systematic review of cluster randomised trials.

Allanson ER, Tunçalp Ö, Vogel JP, Khan DN, Oladapo OT, Long Q, Gülmezoglu AM

Immunometabolic and Lipidomic Markers Associated With the Frailty Index and Quality of Life in Aging HIV+ Men on Antiretroviral Therapy.

Yeoh HL, Cheng AC, Cherry CL, Weir JM, Meikle PJ, Hoy JF, Crowe SM, Palmer CS

The Positive Outlook Study: A Randomised Controlled Trial Evaluating Online Self-Management for HIV Positive Gay Men.

Millard T, Agius PA, McDonald K, Slavin S, Girdler S, Elliott JH

"Just not all ice users do that": investigating perceptions and potential harms of Australia's Ice Destroys Lives campaign in two studies.

Douglass CH, Early EC, Wright CJC, Palmer A, Higgs P, Quinn B, Dietze PM, Lim MSC

Alcohol and Other Drugs Young People's Health
Therapeutic targeting in nanomedicine: the future lies in recombinant antibodies.

Pietersz GA, Wang X, Yap ML, Lim B, Peter K

Anti-HIV-1 ADCC antibodies following latency reversal and treatment interruption.

Lee WS, Kristensen AB, Rasmussen TA, Tolstrup M, Østergaard L, Søgaard OS, Wines BD, Hogarth PM, Reynaldi A, Davenport MP, Emery S, Amin J, Cooper DA, Kan VL, Fox J, Gruell H, Parsons MS, Kent SJ.

HIV + AIDS Global Infectious Disease Threats