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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Hepatitis C testing and re-testing among people attending sexual health services in Australia, and hepatitis C incidence among people with human immunodeficiency virus: analysis of national sentinel surveillance data.

Boettiger DC, Law MG, Dore GJ, Guy R, Callander D, Donovan B, O'Connor CC, Fairley CK, Hellard M, Matthews G

A dynamic stress model explains the delayed drug effect in artemisinin treatment of Plasmodium falciparum.

Cao P, Klonis N, Zaloumis S, Dogovski C, Xie SC, Saralamba S, White LJ, Fowkes FJI, Tilley L, Simpson JA, McCaw JM

Willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay men, other men who have sex with men and transgender women in Myanmar.

Draper BL, Fowkes FJI, Oo ZM, Thein ZW, Aung PP, Veronese V, Ryan C, Thant M, Hughes C, Stoové M

Measuring and understanding the attitudes of Australian gay and bisexual men towards biomedical HIV prevention using cross-sectional data and factor analyses.

Wilkinson AL, Draper BL, Pedrana AE, Asselin J, Holt M, Hellard ME, Stoové M

Evaluating implementation of the World Health Organization's Strategic Approach to strengthening sexual and reproductive health policies and programs to address unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion.

Rashid S, Moore JE, Timmings C, Vogel JP, Ganatra B, Khan DN, Sayal R, Metin Gülmezoglu A, Straus SE

Implications of differentiated care for successful ART scale-up in a concentrated HIV epidemic in Yangon, Myanmar.

Mesic A, Fontaine J, Aye T, Greig J, Thwe TT, Moretó-Planas L, Kliesckova J, Khin K, Zarkua N, Gonzalez L, Guillergan EL, O'Brien DP