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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Clarifying the Confusion between Cytokine and Fc Receptor "Common Gamma Chain".

Brandsma AM, Hogarth PM, Nimmerjahn F, Leusen JH

Epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus in Ireland using routinely collected surveillance and administrative data, 2004-2014.

van Gemert CE, Murphy N, Mitchell TA, Hellard ME, Thornton L

Achieving hepatitis C elimination in Europe - To treatment scale-up and beyond.

Hellard M, Scott N, Sacks-Davis R, Pedrana A

Respectful care during childbirth in health facilities globally: a qualitative evidence synthesis.

Shakibazadeh E, Namadian M, Bohren MA, Vogel JP, Rashidian A, Nogueira Pileggi V, Madeira S, Leathersich S, Tunçalp Ӧ, Oladapo OT, Souza JP, Gülmezoglu AM

Scenedesmus sp. cultivation using commercial-grade ammonium sources.

Soares J, Loterio RK, Rosa RM, Santos MO, Nascimento AG, Santos NT, Williams TCR, Nunes-Nesi A, Martins MA

Internal funding required to improve HIV care.

Brownstein H, Higgs P