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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Are there differences in individual-level needle and syringe coverage across Australian jurisdictions related to program policy? A preliminary analysis.

Hill P, O'Keefe D, Dietze PM

Protocol for an HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Population Level Intervention Study in Victoria Australia: The PrEPX Study.

Ryan KE, Mak A, Stoove M, Price B, Fairley CK, Ruth S, Lal L, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Nguyen L, Batrouney C, Wilson D, Lockwood J, Murphy D, Cornelisse VJ, Roth N, Willcox J, Chang CC, Armishaw J, Tee BK, Penn M, Forgan-Smith G, Williams C, Montgomery J, Byron K, Coelho A, Allen B, Wiggins J, Kelsall J, Vujovic O, West M, Pierce AB, Gallant D, Bell C, de Wit JBF, Hoy JF, Wesselingh SL, Grant RM, Wright EJ

The implementation of the free maternal health policy in rural Northern Ghana: synthesised results and lessons learnt.

Dalinjong PA, Wang AY, Homer CSE

Pathways to the elimination of hepatitis C: prioritising access for all.

Pedrana AE, Sacks-Davis R, Doyle JS, Hellard ME

Spatial organization of protein export in malaria parasite blood stages.

Charnaud SC, Jonsdottir TK, Sanders PR, Bullen HE, Dickerman BK, Kouskousis B, Palmer CS, Pietrzak HM, Laumaea AE, Erazo AB, McHugh E, Tilley L, Crabb BS, Gilson PR

Identity-by-descent analyses for measuring population dynamics and selection in recombining pathogens.

Henden L, Lee S, Mueller I, Barry A, Bahlo M