Protocol for an HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Population Level Intervention Study in Victoria Australia: The PrEPX Study.
Ryan KE, Mak A, Stoove M, Price B, Fairley CK, Ruth S, Lal L, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Nguyen L, Batrouney C, Wilson D, Lockwood J, Murphy D, Cornelisse VJ, Roth N, Willcox J, Chang CC, Armishaw J, Tee BK, Penn M, Forgan-Smith G, Williams C, Montgomery J, Byron K, Coelho A, Allen B, Wiggins J, Kelsall J, Vujovic O, West M, Pierce AB, Gallant D, Bell C, de Wit JBF, Hoy JF, Wesselingh SL, Grant RM, Wright EJ
Spatial organization of protein export in malaria parasite blood stages.
Charnaud SC, Jonsdottir TK, Sanders PR, Bullen HE, Dickerman BK, Kouskousis B, Palmer CS, Pietrzak HM, Laumaea AE, Erazo AB, McHugh E, Tilley L, Crabb BS, Gilson PR