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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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The Complement System Contributes to Functional Antibody-Mediated Responses Induced by Immunization with Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Sporozoites,

Behet MC, Kurtovic L, van Gemert GJ, Haukes CM, Siebelink-Stoter R, Graumans W, van de Vegte-Bolmer MG, Scholzen A, Langereis JD, Diavatopoulos DA, Beeson JG, Sauerwein RW

Asking different questions: A call to action for research to improve the quality of care for every woman, every child.

Kennedy HP, Cheyney M, Dahlen HG, Downe S, Foureur MJ, Homer CSE, Jefford E, McFadden A, Michel-Schuldt M, Sandall J, Soltani H, Speciale AM, Stevens J, Vedam S, Renfrew MJ

Acceptability of testing for anorectal sexually transmitted infections and self-collected anal swabs in female sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgender women in Papua New Guinea.

Bell S, Wapling J, Ase S, Boli-Neo R, Vallely AJ, Kaldor JM, Nightingale CE, Kelly-Hanku A

Sexual + Reproductive Health Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)
Synergy in anti-malarial pre-erythrocytic and transmission-blocking antibodies is achieved by reducing parasite density.

Sherrard-Smith E, Sala KA, Betancourt M, Upton LM, Angrisano F, Morin MJ, Ghani AC, Churcher TS, Blagborough AM

Hepatitis C virus notification rates in Australia are highest in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas.

Hainsworth SW, Dietze PM, Wilson DP, Sutton B, Hellard ME, Scott N

What People "Like": Analysis of Social Media Strategies Used by Food Industry Brands, Lifestyle Brands, and Health Promotion Organizations on Facebook and Instagram.

Klassen KM, Borleis ES, Brennan L, Reid M, McCaffrey TA, Lim MS