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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Maternity care experiences and health needs of migrant women from female genital mutilation-practicing countries in high-income contexts: A systematic review and meta-synthesis.

Turkmani S, Homer CSE, Dawson A

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Response to Humanitarian Emergencies, 2007-2016.

Boyd AT, Cookson ST, Anderson M, Bilukha OO, Brennan M, Handzel T, Hardy C, Husain F, Cardozo BL, Colorado CN, Shahpar C, Talley L, Toole M, Gerber M

Adolescence and the next generation.

Patton GC, Olsson CA, Skirbekk V, Saffery R, Wlodek ME, Azzopardi PS, Stonawski M, Rasmussen B, Spry E, Francis K, Bhutta ZA, Kassebaum NJ, Mokdad AH, Murray CJL, Prentice AM, Reavley N, Sheehan P, Sweeny K, Viner RM, Sawyer SM

A quantitative, risk-based approach to the management of neonatal early-onset sepsis.

Spotswood N, Grace E, Keir AK

Hidden carers for an increasingly hidden illness? A scoping review of the needs of informal carers of people with HIV in the contemporary treatment era.

Hamilton M, Botfield J, Newman C, Persson A, Valentine K, Bryant J, Wallace J.

Asking different questions: A call to action for research to improve the quality of care for every woman, every child.

Kennedy HP, Cheyney M, Dahlen HG, Downe S, Foureur MJ, Homer CSE, Jefford E, McFadden A, Michel-Schuldt M, Sandall J, Soltani H, Speciale AM, Sevens J, Vedam S, Renfrew MJ