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Research Articles

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Antimetastatic effect of the pharmacological inhibition of serine/arginine-rich protein kinases (SRPK) in murine melanoma.

Moreira GA, Lima GDA, Siqueira RPS, Barros MVDA, Adjanohoun ALM, Santos VC, Barbosa EAA, Loterio RK, Paiva JC, Gonçalves VHS, Viol LCS, Marques-da-Silva EA, Silva Júnior A, Almeida MR, Fietto JLR, Machado-Neves M, Ferreira RS, Teixeira RRT, Bressan GCB

Detection of virus-specific polymeric immunoglobulin A in acute hepatitis A, C, E virus serum samples using novel chimeric secretory component.

Mohd Hanafiah K, Garcia ML, Barnes NC, Anderson DA

Synthesis and pharmacology of new psychoactive substance 5F-CUMYL-P7AICA, a scaffold- hopping analog of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists 5F-CUMYL-PICA and 5F-CUMYL-PINACA.

Banister SD, Adams A, Kevin RC, Macdonald C, Glass M, Boyd R, Connor M, McGregor IS, Havel CM, Bright SJ, Vilamala MV, Lladanosa CG, Barratt MJ, Gerona RR

Description of social contacts among student cases of pandemic influenza during the containment phase, Melbourne, Australia, 2009.

van Gemert C, McBryde ES, Bergeri I, Sacks-Davis R, Vally H, Spelman T, Sutton B, Hellard M

Cohort Profile: The Flu Watch Study.

Fragaszy EB, Warren-Gash C, Wang L, Copas A, Dukes O, Edmunds WJ, Goonetilleke N, Harvey G, Johnson AM, Kovar J, Lim MS, McMichael A, Millett ER, Nazareth I, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS, Tabassum F, Watson JM, Wurie F, Zambon M, Hayward AC, Flu Watch Group

Epidemiology and associated risk factors of giardiasis in a peri-urban setting in New South Wales Australia.

Zajaczkowski P, Mazumdar S, Conaty S, Ellis JT, Fletcher-Lartey SM