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Research Articles

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Menstrual hygiene management and school absenteeism among adolescent students in Indonesia: evidence from a cross-sectional school-based survey.

Davis J, Macintyre A, Odagiri M, Suriastini W, Cordova A, Huggett C, Agius PA, Faiqoh , Budiyani AE, Quillet C, Cronin AA, Diah NM, Triwahyunto A, Luchters S, Kennedy E

Acceptability and preferences of point-of-care finger-stick whole-blood and venepuncture hepatitis C virus testing among people who inject drugs in Australia.

Bajis S, Maher L, Treloar C, Hajarizadeh B, Lamoury FMJ, Mowat Y, Schulz M, Marshall AD, Cunningham EB, Cock V, Ezard N, Gorton C, Hayllar J, Smith J, Whelan M, Martinello M, Applegate TL, Dore GJ, Grebely J, LiveRLife Study Group

Assessing the operational feasibility and acceptability of an inhalable formulation of oxytocin for improving community-based prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in Myanmar: a qualitative inquiry.

Than KK, Oliver V, Mohamed Y, La T, Lambert P, McIntosh M, Luchters S

Australian health professionals' statement on climate change and health.

Arabena K, Armstrong F, Berry H, Brooks P, Capon T, Crabb B, Demaio A, Doherty P, Lewin S, Lo S, Lopez A, McMichael C, McPake B, Moodie R, Nolan T, Ruff T, Sainsbury P, Selvey L, Shearman D, Stanley F, Talley NJ, Watts N

National burden of influenza-associated hospitalizations in Cambodia, 2015 and 2016.

Ieng V, Tolosa MX, Tek B, Sar B, Sim K, Seng H, Thyl M, Dara C, Moniborin M, Stewart RJ, Bell LC, Theocharopoulos G, Chin S, Chau D, Iuliano AD, Moen A, Tsuyuoka R, Dueger EL, Sullivan SG, Ly S, Disclaimer, findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control, Prevention

Routine opioid outcome monitoring in community pharmacy: Pilot implementation study protocol.

Nielsen S, Kowalski M, Wood P, Larney S, Bruno R, Shanahan M, Lenton S, Dietze P, Green T, Murnion B, Ritter A