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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Subpatent malaria in a low transmission African setting: a cross-sectional study using rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) from Zambezi region, Namibia.

McCreesh P, Mumbengegwi D, Roberts K, Tambo M, Smith J, Whittemore B, Kelly G, Moe C, Murphy M, Chisenga M, Greenhouse B, Ntuku H, Kleinschmidt I, Sturrock H, Uusiku P, Gosling R, Bennett A, Hsiang MS

Subpatent malaria in a low transmission African setting: a cross-sectional study using rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) from Zambezi region, Namibia.
PanStop: a decade of rapid containment exercises for pandemic preparedness in the WHO Western Pacific Region.

Moturi E, Horton K, Bell L, Breakwell L, Dueger E

PanStop: a decade of rapid containment exercises for pandemic preparedness in the WHO Western Pacific Region.
Digital era drug surveillance: Quo vadis, Australia?

Raubenheimer JE, Barratt MJ

Digital era drug surveillance: Quo vadis, Australia?
Screening for depressive and anxiety disorders among adolescents in Indonesia: Formal validation of the centre for epidemiologic studies depression scale - revised and the Kessler psychological distress scale.

Tran TD, Kaligis F, Wiguna T, Willenberg L, Nguyen HTM, Luchters S, Azzopardi P, Fisher J

Screening for depressive and anxiety disorders among adolescents in Indonesia: Formal validation of the centre for epidemiologic studies depression scale - revised and the Kessler psychological distress scale.
Beyond the headlines: Fetal movement awareness is an important stillbirth prevention strategy.

Flenady V, Ellwood D, Bradford B, Coory M, Middleton P, Gardener G, Radestad I, Homer C, Davies-Tuck M, Forster D, Gordon A, Groom K, Crowther C, Walker S, Foord C, Warland J, Murphy M, Said J, Boyle F, O'Donoghue K, Cronin R, Sexton J, Weller M, McCowan L

Beyond the headlines: Fetal movement awareness is an important stillbirth prevention strategy.
Geo-spatial analysis of individual-level needle and syringe coverage in Melbourne, Australia.

O'Keefe D, Wilkinson A, Aitken C, Dietze P

Geo-spatial analysis of individual-level needle and syringe coverage in Melbourne, Australia.