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Research Articles

Explore our library of peer-reviewed publications below, with contributions from Burnet researchers.

See also: Research Reports + Policy Briefs

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Unintended consequences of a cautious approach to e-cigarette laws.

Catalano C, Cranswick NE, Robinson J, Grindlay J, Creati M, Danchin MH, Williams N, Gwee A

The impact and cost-effectiveness of combined HIV prevention scenarios among transgender women sex-workers in Lima, Peru: a mathematical modelling study.

Bórquez A, Guanira JV, Revill P, Caballero P, Silva-Santisteban A, Kelly S, Salazar X, Bracamonte P, Minaya P, Hallett TB, Cáceres CF

Proteomic analysis of Plasmodium falciparum histone deacetylase 1 complex proteins.

Engel JA, Norris EL, Gilson P, Przyborski J, Shonhai A, Blatch GL, Skinner-Adams TS, Gorman J, Headlam M, Andrews KT

Genomic variability of within-host hepatitis C variants in acute infection.

Rodrigo C, Leung P, Lloyd AR, Bull RA, Luciani F, Grebely J, Dore GJ, Applegate T, Page K, Bruneau J, Cox AL, Osburn W, Kim AY, Shoukry NH, Lauer GM, Maher L, Schinkel J, Prins M, Hellard M, Eltahla AA, InC3 Collaborative

The impact of early life exposure to Plasmodium falciparum on the development of naturally acquired immunity to malaria in young Malawian children.

Barua P, Beeson JG, Maleta K, Ashorn P, Rogerson SJ

Two Families of Env Antibodies Efficiently Engage Fc-Gamma Receptors and Eliminate HIV-1-Infected Cells.

Anand SP, Prévost J, Baril S, Richard J, Medjahed H, Chapleau JP, Tolbert WD, Kirk S, Smith AB 3rd, Wines BD, Kent SJ, Hogarth PM, Parsons MS, Pazgier M, Finzi A.

HIV + AIDS Immune Disease + Cancer